Belarey, Serge

Serge Belarey

There is little known about the composer Serge Belarey. There is information that he was born in 1912 in Belgium. No further facts are known about his education and life. Serge Belarey died sometime after 1986.

The pianist Serge Bemant is the son of Serge Belarey.

The best known part of Serge Belarey is his work catalogue. I could find information about the following compositions:

  • Meditation, for piano op. 1 no. 2
  • Praeludium et fuga, for piano op. 1 no. 3
  • Pantomime, for piano op. 8
  • Preludes pour piano op. 10
  • Vida en Espana. for piano op.12 no. 2
  • La libellule et la fleur, for flute and piano op. 13 no. 1
  • Illusion, for soprano and piano op.13 no. 3
  • Blue fantasy concerto, for saxophone and piano op.14 no. 1
  • Piano concerto "Sincerite. Foi. Amour", op. 14 no. 2
  • Elegie, for contrabass and piano op. 17 no. 2
  • Automation, for piano op. 20 no. 3
  • Variations on an English theme: Reminiscences, for piano op. 20 no. 4
  • Contrast's concerto for violin and piano op. 21 no. 2
  • Piano sonata op. 22 no. 1 "Les cavaliers des steppes"
  • Jour de fête, for accordion and piano op.24 no. 1

Blue fantasy concerto

In my possession is the autograph manuscript of the "Blue fantasy concerto" for saxophone and orchestra op.14 no.1 by Serge Belarey. I only hold manuscripts of the piano reduction of the work and a few orchestral parts, which might be incomplete. One manuscript has a registration stamp of the SABAM, dated 25 May 1955. Therefore the work was very likely composed at that year. The work was at least one time performed on 18 April 1986 at "A L'Atelier" in Brussels by Rohny Ventat (saxophone) and Serge Bemant (piano). The newspaper review marks this performance as the "Belgian premiere".


Piano concerto

In my possession is also the autograph manuscript of the piano concerto "Sincerite. Foi. Amour" op.14 no.2 by Serge Belarey. The manuscript is not dated, but contains many corrections by the composer. Among these corrections are cancellations of complete pages of the manuscript done with long stripes from an English speaking newspaper. In one of the newspaper stripes one can read the year 1986. So this composition was very likely composed in this year.

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