Over the years I received some violin concerto scores which were signed by the composer and I also had the chance to acquire a few interesting signed copies. This is a lovely side project and I am looking for more signed scores. So if you can offer a copy, please drop me a line!
scores signed for me personally
Jett Hitt (*1967): Yellowstone, for violin and orchestra
"For Tobias"
Terje Rypdal (*1947): Undisonus, for violin and orchestra
"En hilsen til Tobias"
Karen De Pastel (*1949): Concertante for violin and string orchestra
"Tobias Bröker mit herzlicher Widmung"
James Niblock (1917-2018): Violin concerto
"Tobias, with all best wishes"
Peter van Onna (*1966): Bruegel violin concerto
"Lieber Tobias, vielen Dank für Ihre schöne Worte und Interesse an meinen Violinkonzert. Hier ist die Partitur (mit Handschrift) für Ihre Sammlung."
Marek Harris (*1961): New Angels, for violin and orchestra
"To Tobias Bröker - You are a true champion of the 20th and 21st century violin concertante! All my best wishes and profound thanks for supporting the international treasury of contemporary violin concert repertoire!"
signed 2016 in New York (USA)
Rolf Riehm (*1937): Shifting, for violin and orchestra
"Lieber Herr Bröker, genau genommen ist Shifting ein Stück für Violine solo. Aber ich habe eine verbreitete Technik aufgegriffen: wie die Saiten auf das Corpus der Violine so ist die Violine auf das Orchester gespannt, ein in seinem ganzen Klangreichtum miterregter Resonanzkörper.
Die leidenschaftliche Kraft des grazilen Instruments läßt diesen mächtigen Resonanzraum erbeben oder erregt in ihm Schwingungen, die dann erweiternde oder ganz eigene klangliche Rhapsodien hervorbringen."
signed 24.02.2016 in Frankfurt a.M. (Germany)
John Adams (*1947): The Dharma at Big Sur
"to my friend Tobias Broeker with best wishes and gratitude for your devotion to contemporary violin repertoire"
signed by Tracy Silverman, soloist of the world premiere
additionally signed by John Adams himself
Joseph Schwantner (*1943): Dreamcaller, for soprano, violin and orchestra
"Dear Tobias Broeker, thank you for your interest + support of my work"
signed 10.03.2016
Aulis Sallinen (*1935): Violin concerto
"An Tobias Broeker mit allerbesten Grüssen"
signed 01.03.2016
Benjamin Yusupov (*1962): Violin concerto
"Dear Mr. Tobias Broeker, I write music for sharing my feelings and thoughts with music lovers. I am happy that my work touch your heart. Allow me by signing this score to express my deep gratitude to your attention"
signed 29.01.2016
Erkki-Sven Tüür (*1959): Violin concerto
"to Tobias Broeker with all good wishes"
signed 05.01.2016
Peteris Vasks (*1946): Violin concerto "distant light"
"Lieber Herr Broeker! Die Musik trägt zur Gleichgewichtserhaltung der Welt bei!"
signed 14.01.2016 in Riga (Latvia)
Philippe Hersant (*1948): Violin concerto
"Pour Tobias Broeker, en temoignage de reconnaissance pour son travail sur les concertos pour violon!"
Dieter Kaufmann (*1941): Concertomobil, for violin, orchestra and tape
"Dem kreativen Sammler Tobias Bröker mit Dank für seine Leidenschaft"
signed 22.12.2015
Ivan Eröd (1936-2019): Violin concerto
"Herrn Tobias Bröker in aufrichtiger Wertschätzung, herzlich signiert"
signed 17.12.2015 in Wien (Austria)
Klaas ten Holt (*1960): Violin concerto
"for Tobias Broeker, all the best!"
signed 23.03.2016
Wolfram Wagner (*1962): Violin concerto
"Mit den besten Wünschen"
Alojz Ajdic (*1939): Concerto for violin and orchestra
"Upostovani gospool Tobias Broeker posiljam vam moj Violinski koncert"
signed 10.12.2015 in Kranj (Slovenia)
Peter Michael Hamel (*1947): Violin concerto
"für Tobias Bröker"
signed 06.12.2015
Yervand Yerkanian (*1951): Violin concerto No.1
signed 08.03.2016 in Yerevan (Armenia)
Nancy van de Vate (*1930): Violin concerto No.1
"mit herzlichen Grüßen"
signed 29.03.2016 in Vienna (Austria)
Sylvie Bodorova (*1954): Concerto for violin and orchestra "Messaggio"
"Mit herzlichen Grüßen"
Alan Lighty (*1955): Violin concerto
"to Tobias: Enjoy!"
Peter Kopac (*1949): Concerto for violin and strings
"Herrn Tobias Broeker in Erinnerung"
signed 09.03.2012 in Skofja Loka (Slovenia)
Nicola Sgro (1937-2019): Concerto for violin and orchestra
signed 15.04.2015
Luis Morales Bance (1945-2017): Concierto angelitos negro, for violin and orchestra
signed 22.03.2014
Josef Peter Heinzer (1935-2017): Concerto for violin, cello, piano and string orchestra "Mulets"
signed 06.03.2015 in Lenggenwil (Switzerland)
Leo Eylar (*1958): An Orpheus legend, for violin and orchestra
"To Tobias from Leo Eylar"
Violeta Dinescu (*1953): Concerto for oboe, violin, marimba and orchestra "Helba"
signed without date or place
Zoran Mulic (*1957): Violin concerto
score with included letter to Tobias Broeker
Günther Witschurke (1937-2017): Violin concerto
signed without date or place
other signed scores
Charles Bartsch (1909-1979): Piece concertante, for violin and piano
"a Marcel Debot, dedicataire et admirable createur de cette oeuvre, au l'admiration et l'amitie reconnaissante"
signed 09 July 1961 in Liege (Belgium)
dedicatee Marcel Debot (1925-2010) was a Belgian violinist
Wilfred Josephs (1927-1997): Concerto da camera, for violin, harpsichord and strings op.25
"With love to Mother, Pop and Deanna with affection"
signed and dated "Xmas 1961"
Konstantin Batashov (*1938): Violin concerto
"to Karl Ottomar Treibmann"
signed and dated 17 November 1988
dedicatee Karl Ottomar Treibmann (1936-2017) was a German composer
Riccardo Zandonai (1883-1944): Concerto romantico
"Al [illegible] violinista Giovanni Ferraboschi per ricordo"
signed and dated 8 February 1925
Martin Lunssens (1871-1944): Violin concerto No.1 in D major
"Bien cordialement offert a M. Raoul de Sejournet"
signed, but not dated
dedicatee is Raoul de Sejournet de Rameignies (1871-1950), a Belgian nobleman from Ghent
Hermann Zilcher (1881-1948): Violin concerto No.1
"Ein leider ziemlich abgegriffenes Exemplar des leider nicht abgegriffenen Violinkonzerts in H-Moll dem verehrten Kollegen und Landsmann Davisson"
signed March 1926 in Würzburg (Germany)
dedicatee is Walther Davisson (1885-1973), violinist and conductor
Anatol Vieru (1926-1998): Violin concerto
"Lui Doru si Alinei, cu bune sentimente amicale"
signed July 1968
dedicatees are the composer and musicologist Doru Popovici (1932-2019) and his wife Alina Musat.
Jürg Baur (1918-2010): Violin concerto No.2 "In Form einer Ballade"
"für Bernhard Klee in Verehrung und Freundschaft"
signed and dated June 1979
dedicatee is the German conductor Bernhard Klee (*1936).
Cecil Burleigh (1885-1980): Violin concerto No.1 op.25
"To Albert Spalding / sincerely yours"
signed without place or date
dedicatee is Albert Spalding (1888-1953), American violinist
Augustyn Bloch (1929-2006): Dialoghi for violin and orchestra
"Herrn Marius Flothuis mit freundlichen Grüssen"
signed in Vienna (Austria) on 9 December 1967
dedicatee is Marius Flothuis (1914-2001), a Dutch composer
Rene Defossez (1905-1988): Concerto for violin and orchestra
"Pour Marcel Debot avec mon entier sympathie et ma profonde admiration"
signed in Bruxelles (Belgium) on 30 January 1962
dedicatee is Marcel Debot (1925-2010), a renowned Belgian violinist
Wolfgang Fortner (1907-1987): Chant de naissance, for soprano, violin and orchestra
"Otto Herbst mit herzlichen Weihnachtsgrüssen"
signed 1959
dedicatee Otto Herbst was the manager of the 'Nationaltheater München' at that time
Alexei Machavariani (1913-1995): Violin concerto
I could not decipher the Georgian inscription word by word, but it is dedicated to the "German guest Wolfgang Ansel".
signed 02.06.1958, no place
Wolfgang Ansel was a violinist
Geert van Keulen (*1943): Violin concerto
"to Colin Davis"
signed without place or date
dedicatee Colin Davis (1927-2013) was an English conductor
Malcolm Arnold (1921-2006): Concerto for 2 violins and string orchestra
signed without place or date
Jan Kubelik (1880-1940): Concerto for violin and orchestra No.4
signed by his son Rafael Kubelik (1914-1996) and wife Ludmila "Lala" Bertlova in December 1943:
"V milou upominku na koncerty v Drui - 8 a 18 pros. 1943 - nasi Lala Bertlova, Rafael Kubelik"
Georges Migot (1891-1976): Suite en cinq parties, for violin and orchestra
signed full score of the luxury edition published in 1931 by Alphonse Leduc. 25 copies of this special score were produced, this is No.25
signed without place and date
Hans Bullerian (1885-1948): Violin concerto
"Meinem jungen Freunde und Kameraden Helmuth Madelow"
signed 27.06.1938 in Köthen (Germany)
Jacques Thierac (1896-1972): Ballade romantique, for violin and orchestra
"A Jean Fournet - En tres cordial hommage"
signed 11.01.1947, no place
dedicatee is Jean Fournet (1913-2008), French conductor
Cesare Nordio (1891-1977): Poema for violin and pianoforte
"a Nino Rossi - fraternamente questa mia pagina di musica 'antibolscevica'!"
signed 1937 in Bologna (Italy)
dedicatee is Nino Rossi (1895-1952), Italian pianist
Elisabeth Kuyper (1877-1953)
"Herrn Konzertmeister Anton Witek. Dem ersten und vortrefflichen Interpret meiner Werke."
signed 14.05.1910 in Berlin (Germany)
dedicatee is Anton Witek (1872-1933), concertmaster of the Philharmonic Orchestra in Berlin and later of the Boston Symphony Orchestra
Charles Haubiel (1892-1978): Gothic variations, for violin and orchestra
"for Margaret Pardee"
signed without date and place
dedicatee Margaret Pardee (1920-2016) was an US violinist and violin teacher at the Juilliard School.
Maurice Gardner (1909-2002): Concerto for violin, viola and orchestra
personal letter to Margaret Pardee added to the score:
"Dear Marge,
here is a xerox of my double-concerto (piano reduction, vln & vla parts). If all goes according to schedule, we should be at Sadie's sister's home in Sands Point not later than Mon., June 16th. It would be great if we could get together any time that week at your convenience. Hope you like the work!
Regards, Maurice"
signed 27 May 1980 in Miami Beach (USA)
dedicatee Margaret Pardee (1920-2016) was an US violinist and violin teacher at the Juilliard School.
Mana-Zucca (1894-1981): Violin concerto
"To my friend Ralph [Leisande?] with affectionate greetings"
signed 1955
Stepan Lucky (1919-2006): Nenia for violin, cello and orchestra
"To my dear friend Dr. Marius Flothuis affactionately"
signed 23 May 1980 in Prague (Czechoslovakia)
dedicatee Marius Flothuis (1914-2001) is a Dutch composer
Maurice Reuchsel (1880-1968): Concert piece for violin and orchestra
score signed November 1911
Martin Lunssens (1871-1944): Violin concerto No.2
"A monsieur le Baron de Francisci en temoignage de ma deferente sympathie pour un ami de la musique"
signed May 1939 in Bruxelles (Belgium)
dedicatee is Pietro de Francisci (1883-1971), jurist and politician and at that time dean of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
Michel Gusikoff (1893-1978): Violin concerto No.2
"To my friend Arcadie Berkenholz who now with this addition will know and play everything that was ever written for the violin"
signed 01.12.1963
dedicatee is Arcadie Berkenholz (1901-1975) - sometimes also spelled Birkenholz -, violinist at the NBC Symphony Orchestra
Gustav Havemann (1882-1960): Violin concerto
"Meinem lieben Gustav Schmahl dem tief empfindenen Musiker, dem famosen Geiger zur Erinnerung an unser gemeinsames Arbeiten und an seinen Trainer"
signed without date or place
dedicatee Gustav Schmahl (1929-2003) was a German violinist
Alicia Terzian (*1934): Violin concerto
"Para Gustavo Margulis, con afecto"
signed 31.03.1977
Bernhard Hamann (1909-1968): Rondo capriccioso for violin and orchestra
"Meinem lieben Pultgenossen Bruno Micksche zum herzlichen Andenken"
signed 12.07.1940 in Hamburg (Germany)
dedicatee Bruno Micksche was a violinist
Andrzej Panufnik (1914-1991)
"To Winnie with love"
signed 03.01.1974
dedicatee is Winnie Jessel, the composer's mother-in-law
Leo Spies (1899-1965): Konzertante Sinfonie, for violin and orchestra
"Lieber Ernst! Nur weil du sagtest, das Werk gefalle dir, bin ich so unbescheiden, es dir als Geburtstagsgabe zu überreichen"
signed 09.12.1956 in Berlin (Germany)
dedicatee is Ernst Hermann Meyer (1905-1988), composer
Luigi Dallapiccola (1904-1975): Tartiniana seconda, for violin and orchestra
"a ma tres chere amie Michou Nadel (??) en affectueux souvenir"
signed 05.11.1957 in Firenze (Italy)
Norbert Moret (1921-1998): Violin concerto "En reve"
"au merveilleux Sir Colin Davis qui a si magistralement enregistre la musique de Berlioz. La Damnation de Faust et les Troyens ont particulierement enchante de tres nombreuses heures d'ecoute"
signed 16.06.1989 in Fribourg (Switzerland)
dedicatee Colin Davis (1927-2013) was an English conductor
Ernst Hermann Meyer (1905-1988): Violin concerto
"Ernst Hermann Meyer am 1. Mai 1966 herzlich!"
Gian Francesco Malipiero (1882-1973): Violin concerto No.2
"a b c d e fg h i l m n o p q r st z (tutti il vocabolario) per Everett Helm"
signed 15.05.1964 in Asolo (Italy)
dedicatee is Everett Helm (1913-1999), composer
Martin Lunssens (1871-1944): Romance for violin and orchestra
I own two signed copies of this work:
"Hommage de l'auteur a monsieur le Baron de Francisci. Souvenir de l'inauguration de l'Academie Belgica a Rome"
signed May 1939 in Bruxelles (Belgium)
dedicatee is Pietro de Francisci (1883-1971), jurist and politician and at that time dean of the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
"Hommage de l'auteur a Monsieur Zimmerman, concert Meister du Concertgebouw Amsterdam"
signed May 1934 in Ghent (Belgium)
dedicatee is Louis Zimmerman (1873-1954), violinist
Roger Vuataz (1898-1988): Prelude et scherzo, for violin and orchestra
"a mon cher ami Georges Perret, directeur du musee des cahiers vierges! pour continuer la collection"
signed September 1936 in Geneva (Switzerland)
dedicatee is Georges Perret (1895-1986), pianist
Andre Casanova (1919-2009): Violin concerto
"A Gerd Albrecht, en toute cordialite"
dedicatee is Gerd Albrecht (1935-2014), conductor
Louis Zimmermann (1873-1954): Violin concerto in D minor
"Aan den zoo voortreffelijken kunstenaar Louis Couturier mede in bevondering voor zijn zoo bijzondere aritiseke en litterair gaven. Vriendschappelijkst"
signed 22.07.1940 in Amsterdam (Netherlands)
dedicatee is Louis Couturier (1882-?), violinist at the Residentieorkest
Gerhard Schindler (1921-1965): Violin concerto
"Herrn ODr. [Wilson?] in Freundschaft"
signed April 1964
George Templeton Strong (1856-1948): Americana for violin and orchestra
"Son cher collegue Gustave Koeckert en souvenir de Templeton Strong"
signed without date or place
dedicatee is most likely the Gustave Koeckert (1861-?), who wrote a book about efficient violin techniques
Jiri Matys (*1927):
Concerto for string quartet and orchestra
signed 14.12.1974 in Brno (Czech Republic)
Gunnar Bucht (*1927): Violin concerto
"Till Bengt von Hofsten fran hug."
signed 20.04.1985
dedicatee is Bengt von Hofsten (1928-1992), a Swedish professor for microbiology and amateur violinist
Hendrik Hofmeyr (*1957): Raptus, for violin and orchestra
signed without date or place
Julius Weismann (1879-1950)
"Herrn Fritz Hirt zur Erinnerung an den schönen Abend des 18. August 1916"
signed 18.08.1916 in Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany)
dedicatee is Fritz Hirt (1888-1970), concertmaster of the Basler Sinfonieorchester
Georges Piccoli (around 1885 - after 1954): Poeme for violin and orchestra
"A Monsieur A. Massis. Hommage de l'auteur"
dedicatee most likely Amable Massis (1893-1980), composer
Per Norgard (*1932): Violin concerto No.1 "Helle Nacht"
"Für Josef Singldinger mit freundlichem Gruss"
signed 28.08.1999 in "Louisiana" (that refers to the "Louisiana Museum" in Humlebaek, Denmark, where a symposium was held in September 1999)
dedicatee is Josef Singldinger, a German music critic.
Vladimir Sommer (1921-1997): Violin concerto
"Pavlovi Vondruskovi srdce ve"
signed 01.01.1962 in Praha (Czechoslovakia)
dedicatee is Pavlov Vondruska (1925-2011), a Czech conductor
Herbert Blendinger (*1936): Concerto for string quartat and orchestra
signed without date or place
Franz Reizenstein (1911-1968): Fantasia concertante for violin and piano
"Frauke von Thümen in alter Freundschaft und mit herzlichen Wünschen"
signed October 1963 in Frankfurt am Main (Germany)
Moses Pergament (1893-1977)
"till Gerhard Lundquist som erinran av dagarna tre i Lund"
signed April 1935
dedicatee is Gerhard Lundquist (1894-1985), violinist
Frederick John Read (1857-125): Two pieces for violin and orchestra
"with the composers compliments"
unsigned, no date or place
Alphonse Pirson (1893-?): Evocante caresse, for violin and orchestra
"avec mon meilleur souvenir"
signed without date or place