Vadon, Jean

Jean Vadon

Jean Vadon was born in 1887 in Roanne (France). His father was organist at the local church and the first teacher of Jean Vadon. After school Jean Vadon studied organ at the Schola Cantorum in Paris under Abel Decaux, Louis Vierne and Alexandre Guilmant as well as harmony (Fernand de la Tombelle), counterpoint (Louis Tricon) and composition (Vincent d'Indy). He completed his studies in 1909.
Jean Vadon made a career as an organist. Already during his student days he was organist at the Eglise Saint-Marcel in Paris from 1906 to 1909. Then he became organist at the Saint-Ferdinand des Ternes, also in Paris. In 1916 Jean Vadon again changed his position and fulfilled the same position at Saint-Jean de Montmartre. There he remained organist until his passing in 1973.
Beside his work as an organist Jean Vadon also composed music, with an emphasis on organ works and sacred music, but also chamber music and songs.
Jean Vadon died 1973 in Paris (France).

In my possession is the autograph manuscript of "Messalina - Valse pour piano" by Jean Vadon. The manuscript gives the additional information that the work was composed on 27 December 1925. Curiously the manuscript counts the work as "op. 527" and "op. 517". In addition a small sheet was inserted to the manuscript, dating from 31 December 1925. This sheet contains in the hand of Jean Vadon "Paroles pour le Trio" and then followed by the poem:

Vive Messalina

Doux parfum qui enchante

Et c'est pourquoi chacun chante

Glorie à Messalina

Sa senteur exquise

Son odeur qui grise

C'est le parfum des rois

C'est Messalina.

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