Below is a list of compositions that include an orchestra. Scores for all these compositions are available free of charge from my website. Click on the composition and the link will lead you to the appropriate composer subpage. There you can download the score in pdf-format for free.
without any soloist:
- Bantelmann, Wilhelm: Europa-Festmarsch, for symphonic wind orchestra
- Baur, Jürg: Sinfonia brevis, for orchestra
- Beissel, Heribert: Pas de Quatre, for orchestra
- Benoist-Mechin, Jacques: Premiere Suite Symphonique (only particell)
- Benoist-Mechin, Jacques: La Maison de Septembre (only particell)
- Berghout, Johan: Symphony No.2, for orchestra
- Berghout, Johan: Symphony No.6, for orchestra
- Berghout, Johan: Concert-Ouverture for orchestra
- Berghout, Johan: Marche triomphale, for orchestra
- Bornschein, Eduard: Eulenspiegeleien, for chamber orchestra
- Büttner, Paul: Ouverture to the opera "Anka", for orchestra
- Büttner, Paul: Symphony No.4, for orchestra
- Chailley, Jacques: Suite sur des airs Scouts, for small orchestra
- Chailley, Jacques: Danses et Conduits, for orchestra
- Chailley, Jacques: Symphony No.2, for orchestra
- Chailley, Jacques: A Roland's funeral music, for brass choir and percussion
- Chvala, Emanuel: O posviceni, for orchestra
- Cuvillier, Charles: Overture to the operetta "Der lila Domino", for orchestra
- Dautun, Yves: Porte de Vincennes, for small orchestra
- David, Andre: Ortive, for symphony orchestra
- Desormiere, Roger: 3 pieces for orchestra
- Diemer, Michael Zeno: Largo for string orchestra
- Dyck, Vladimir: Symphonie pour 10 instruments a vent
- Eilers, Walter: Concert waltz "Musenkinder", for orchestra
- Engels, Clemens: Festmusik, for large military band
- Ezaki, Kenjiro: Symphonic poem "Japanese scenery", for orchestra
- Feldbusch, Eric: 5 pieces breves, for string orchestra and piano
- Fordell, Erik: Vedenhaltija, for string orchestra
- Görsch, Ursula: Anatolische Suite, for large ensemble
- Gyöngy, Pal: Tango for orchestra
- Huertas, Jose: Rapsodie arabe, for orchestra
- Keller, Erich: Waltz for orchestra
- Luguet, Leo: Prelude des Eumenides, for orchestra
- Luig, Albert: First suite for large orchestra
- Maine, Basil: Action and Honour, for orchestra
- Maine, Basil: Valse Serenade, for orchestra
- Martelli, Henri: Mors et Juventa, for orchestra
- Martelli, Henri: Passacaille sur un theme russe, for orchestra
- Martelli, Henri: Suite symphonique sur la mort de l'Empereur, for orchestra
- Martelli, Henri: Prelude symphonique "Sur la vie de Jeanne d'Arc", for orchestra
- Mirsch-Riccius, Erich: Fünfstimmige Fuge, for chamber orchestra
- Morris, Haydn: Brythonic Rhapsody, for orchestra
- Morris, Haydn: Festival Overture "The Four Kings", for orchestra
- Moser, Franz: Suite for string orchestra and harp
- Pascal, Claude: Actualites France-Libre, for orchestra
- Pascal, Claude: Preambule et Fugue, for orchestra
- Pascal, Claude: Divertissement, for orchestra
- Pascal, Claude: Le Voyage de Thesee, for small orchestra
- Ploquin, Henri: Orchestra suite No.1
- Prince Albrecht of Prussia: Siegeshymnus, for military orchestra
- Prince Joachim of Prussia: Tango 1926, for small orchestra
- Prince Joachim of Prussia: Der Schönsten, for small orchestra
- Riemann, Ernst: Klabaudermann-Marsch, for piano, strings and percussion
- Schiffmann, Ernst: Concert ouverture for orchestra
- Schimmerling, Hanns: Sinfonietta parisienne, for orchestra
- Schultz, Herbert: Concerto for strings
- Straumer, Fritz: Heitere Improvisationen über ein Kinderlied, for orchestra
- Tinel, Jef: Ballade for strings
- Treiber, Heinrich: Am Meer, for orchestra
- Venn, Paul: Music for piano and strings
- Wiese, Paul: Suite for orchestra "Dumky"
- Wimmer, Karl: Variations and Fugue, for string orchestra
piano and orchestra:
- Belarey, Serge: Piano concerto "Sincerite. Foi. Amour!" (full score)
- Cliquet-Pleyel, Henri: Piano concerto (full score)
- Demuth, Norman: Piano concerto (piano reduction)
- Eisenmann, Will: Epitaphe pour Maurice Ravel, for piano and orchestra (full score)
- Faith, Walter: Piano concertino (full score)
- Morris, Haydn: The Cambrian concerto, for piano and orchestra (full score)
- Muench, Gerhart: Piano concerto (full score)
- Schumann, Gerhard: Piano concerto (full score)
oboe and orchestra:
bassoon and orchestra:
harp and orchestra:
voice and orchestra:
- Beer, Otto Fritz: opera "Savoy Hotel"
- Berghout, Johan: Tafereelen uit het Nieuwe Testament
- Buths, Julius: Festzug und Huldigungsfeier, for choir and orchestra
- Büttner, Paul: Das Grab im Busento, for men's choir and orchestra
- Büttner, Paul: Waldesrauschen, for men's choir and orchestra
- Büttner, Paul: opera "Anka"
- Chailley, Jacques: Le Voyage des Rois Mages, for soloists, choir and orchestra
- Chailley, Jacques: Ophelia, for soprano, women's choir and orchestra
- Conte, Jean: Acis et Galatee, for soloists and orchestra
- Ficher, Julien: Bolivar, for choir and orchestra (piano reduction)
- Gedalge, Andre: Rondeau d'Oreste, for soprano and orchestra
- Götze, Franz: Ludwig's Hymne, for double men's choir and orchestra
- Lichtveld, Lou: Cancio mistica, for soloists, choir and orchestra
- Marteau, Henri: Coelum verum, for choir and orchestra
- Massimo, Leone: De Sancto Francisco, for soprano and 9 instruments
- Meitus, Yuli: 5 Ukrainian folk songs, for voice and orchestra
- Muchsel, Rudolf: Traunviertla-Kirta, for choir, dance and orchestra
- Noyon, Joseph: L'enfance de l'Immaculee, for voice, female chorus, organ and orchestra
- Olman, Israel: Arbeids-Verrijzenis, for soprano, baritone, SATB choir and orchestra
- Pascal, Claude: A la taverne, for voices, choir and orchestra
- Pascal, Claude: Paraphrase zur Wagner, for choir and orchestra
- Philippot, Michel: Romance d'Hallewyn, for voice and ensemble
- Radnai, Miklos: Orkan vitez, for tenor and orchestra (piano reduction)
- Scherpf, Andreas: Der Stein der Weisen, operetta
string quartet and orchestra:
multiple soloists and orchestra:
violin and orchestra:
- Aulin, Tor: Violin concerto No.2 (full score)
- Bartels, Wolfgang von: Violin concerto (piano reduction)
- Bauer, Anton: Violin concerto (piano reduction)
- Bonneau, Paul: Violin concerto (full score)
- Bradley, Desmond: Violin concerto (full score)
- Buchal, Hermann: Violin concerto (full score)
- Bullerian, Hans: Violin concerto (piano reduction)
- Carow, Stefan: Violin concerto (full score)
- Cremin, Arthur T.: American concerto fantasy (piano reduction)
- De Pastel, Karen: Concertante (full score)
- Eitan, Sharon: Violin concerto (full score)
- Erlanger, Frederic d': Violin concerto (full score)
- Elmahmoudi, Karim: Solemn Prologue (full score)
- Felsenfeld, Daniel: Bad Coffee Serenade (full score)
- Gabriel, Wolfgang: Violin concerto (full score)
- Gadsch, Herbert: Violin concerto (full score)
- Gerspacher, August Emanuel: Poco lento (piano reduction)
- Geißler, Siegfried: Studie I, for violin and orchestra (full score)
- Geißler, Siegfried: Violin concerto No.2 (full score)
- Gieseler, Walter: Violin concerto (full score)
- Göhler, Georg: Violin concerto No.1 (full score)
- Göhler, Georg: Violin concerto No.2 (full score)
- Haentjes, Werner: Violin concerto (full score)
- Heiss, Hermann: Konzert für Geige und Streichorchester (full score)
- Henschel, George: Elegy (piano reduction)
- Ipuche Riva, Pedro: Evocacion (full score)
- Jahr, Heinz: Rondo capriccioso (full score)
- Järvilehto, Eero: Violin concerto No.1
- Klauss, Kenneth: Violin concerto (full score)
- Köhler, Oscar: Romance (full score)
- Komauer, Edwin: Violin concerto (piano reduction)
- Krivokapic, Igor: Concerto for electric violin and orchestra (full score)
- Langheinrich, Wilhelm: Violin concerto (piano reduction)
- Lazansky, Abraham: Violin concertino (piano reduction)
- Lessner, Geroge: Poem (piano reduction)
- Lighty, Alan: Violin concerto (full score)
- Lissauer, Fritz: Violin concerto (full score)
- Lusk, Milan: Dream song (piano reduction)
- Mancev, Tome: Violin concerto (full score)
- Marteau, Henri: Andante for violin and orchestra (full score)
- Materna, Leopold: Reverie (piano reduction)
- Mäurer, Gustav: Grosses romantisches Konzert, for violin and orchestra (piano reduction)
- May, Helmut: Maqam concerto (full score)
- May, Helmut: Adagio (full score)
- May, Helmut: Impromptu (full score)
- May, Helmut: Konzertante Musik (full score)
- May, Helmut: Concerto for 2 violins (full score)
- McKimm, Barry: Violin/Viola concerto (full score)
- Metz, Karl: Violin concerto (piano reduction)
- Muchsel, Rudolf: Konzert-Polonaise und Romanze (full score)
- Naef, Robert: Violin concertino (piano reduction)
- Otsa, Harri: Violin concerto (full score)
- Overeem, Mario van: Fantasie (full score)
- Penkina, Alla: Violin concerto (full score)
- Piccoli, Georges: Poeme (piano reduction)
- Pirson, Alphonse: Evocante caresse (piano reduction)
- Plotenyi, Nandor: Concert hongrois, for violin and orchestra (full score)
- Rabsilber, Michael: Violin concerto (full score)
- Ragghianti, Ippolito: Violin concerto (full score, incomplete)
- Reger, Max/Reuter, Florizel von: Symphonic rhapsody (piano reduction)
- Reuter, Florizel von: Violin concerto No.1 (full score)
- Reuter, Florizel von: Violin concerto No.2 (full score)
- Reuter, Florizel von: Concerto grosso for 2 violins and orchestra (full score)
- Riccardi, Riccardo: Violin concerto (full score)
- Riederer, Rupert: Violin concerto (full score)
- Sachse, Hans Wolfgang: Violin concerto (full score)
- Samehtini, Maurits: Romance (piano reduction)
- Schelb, Josef: Violin concerto (full score)
- Schiffmann, Ernst: Violin concerto (piano reduction)
- Schuyten, Ernest: Violin concerto (full score)
- Seeboth, Max: Violin concerto (piano reduction)
- Sherwood, Percy: Violin concerto (piano reduction)
- Siklos, Albert: Violin concerto (full score)
- Singer jr., Otto: Concertstück (full score)
- Souchay, Marc-Andre: Violin concerto (full score)
- Stalling, Christian: Violin concerto (full score)
- Vauclain, Constant: Violin concerto (piano reduction)
- Veerhoff, Carlos: Concerto for 2 violins (full score)
- Veerhoff, Carlos: Violin concerto No.1 (full score)
- Vogel, Ottmar-Wolfram: Sinfonia concertante for violin, oboe, bassoon and orchestra
- Walenn, Gerald: Harlequinade (full score)
- Werner, Fritz: Violin concerto (full score)
- Wetzler, Hermann Hans: Symphonie concertante (full score)
- Willingham, Lawrence: Violin concerto (full score)
- Wolfe, Stanley: Violin concerto (full score)