Böhm, Josef Julius

Josef Julius Böhm

Josef Julius Böhm was born on 30 April 1907 in Gmünd (Austria). There is no information about the early life of him, but in the end he became a Cistercian and also completed some musical studies for sure.

With this education Josef Julius Böhm became Kapellmeister of the Vienna Boys' Choir. He also was organist at the Hofburgkapelle in Vienna and later the head of its administration.
Josef Julius Böhm died on 17 February 1984 in Vienna (Austria).


It is little known about the compositions by Josef Julius Böhm. There are no published scores and it exists no work catalogue as far as I know. All I could find are two concerts from 1950 with the Vienna Boys' Choir under the direction of Josef Julius Böhm. In both concerts they performed "Ich sehe dich in tausend Bildern" for boys' choir by Josef Julius Böhm. And that work is exactly the one I own in autograph manuscript as well.


My manuscript of "Ich sehe dich in tausend Bildern", for boys' choir by Josef Julius Böhm came from the estate of Jean Vuaillat (1915-2009). Jean Vuaillat was a French Catholic priest and poet located in Lyon (France). He also founded a children's choir named "Les Rossignols du Mont Pilat". It seems that this choir toured to a concert in Hinterbichl (Austria) in 1956 or 1957, a place where the Vienna Boys' Choir spent their summer resort for many years. At this place and time Jean Vuaillat and Josef Julius Böhm met each other and the latter penned down the score of his choral work for Vuaillat. At the end of the manuscript it says: "Zur lieben Erinnerung an den Besuch in Hinterbichl. Mit vielen lieben Wünschen! Josef Böhm".


Due to the fact that the work is unpublished and no archive of the works by Josef Julius Böhm exists, I am presenting here the score of the work for information purposes:

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