Belle, Andre van

Andre van Belle

Andre van Belle was born 1943 in Belgium. There is no information about his musical education, but in the end he became a professional percussionist and composer. In the 1980s Andre van Belle was a percussion teacher at the Brussels conservatory. He also was the conductor of the ensemble FUSION, consisting of both vocals and instruments. In 1991 Andre van Belle won the Orpheus-Prijs for his composition "Madrigal de Provence No.7". Andre van Belle died in 2003 (other sources say 2007).

Due to the fact that virtually no biographical information is available about Andre van Belle, I will also list a catalogue of his works. This list is not complete, but I could only find information about these compositions:

  • Invocation, for soprano and piano (1966)
  • Les Sources Transfigurees, for vibraphone, tam-tam and vocal ensemble (1977)
  • 7 Koans traitant de l'incertitude (1980)
  • Anak timur (1981)
  • Himalaya (1982)
  • Etudes en fa (1982)
  • Taishan (1983)
  • Kanji, for female voice and flute (1983)
  • La nuit verte (1984)
  • Exorcisme (1984)
  • Le Bouddha exile (1985)
  • Les Ninos de Almagno (1987)
  • Paysage nocturne (1988)
  • Playing with space (1988)
  • Chronomorphoses d’Orphée (1988)
  • Silencios Quebrados, for saxophone quartet (1989)
  • Madrigal de Provence No.7, for alto saxophone and orchestra (1991)
  • Sheng, for accordeon ensemble
  • Koan V, for saxophone
  • 5 Etudes, for percussion instruments
  • Quasimodo, for carillon
  • Talking music, for slit drums

In my possession is the autograph manuscript of the work "Invocation pour voix de soprano et piano" by Andre van Belle. The work was composed in October 1966. The soprano does not sing a text in this composition, but is used like a melody instrument.

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