Gieseler, Walter

Walter Gieseler

Walter Gieseler was born on 3 October 1919 in Hannover (Germany). He finished school with an "Abitur" in 1938 and was later drafted for military service in the World War II. After the end of war Walter Gieseler studied music, German philology and school music in Göttingen and Colonne. He graduated in 1949 with a doctoral thesis on the harmony of Brahms and started a teaching profession in Kleve. There he founded the local Collegium Musicum and the municipal singing community. Since 1963 Walter Gieseler gave lectures at the "Pädagogische Hochschule Rheinland" in Colonne. There he became professor in 1970 and the director of the faculty for music and its didactics.
In 1982 Walter Gieseler was awarded the German Federal Cross of Merit and received the Johann Moritz Culture Award in 1995.
Walter Gieseler died on 28 April 1999 in Kleve.


Walter Gieseler composed music for orchestra, chamber ensembles, choirs and solo voices, a total of more than 65 works. The "Concerto for violin and string orchestra" was composed in 1961. The original autograph manuscript is archived at the Stadtarchiv Kleve.

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